Area of Expertise: Pathology - Social Stress
Area of Expertise: Psychiatry - Research
Media Contact: Marguerite Beck
Media Office: 336-716-2415 | Media Mobile: 336-480-8599
Patient Contact: Health On-Call® 1-800-446-2255
Carol A. Shively, PhD
Professor, Pathology - Comparative Medicine
Shively investigates social stress effects on health, particularly women's health, including heart disease, obesity and depression, using non-human primate models. Her research focuses on how social stress, particularly the stress of low social status, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, depression, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and endometrial cancer. She uses non-invasive brain imaging to learn more about the brain mechanisms behind disease. She received the National Association for Women’s Health award for “Excellence in Research” and is listed in both Who’s Who of American Women and International Who’s Who. She has authored or co-authored more than 70 research papers.